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Jolly Ole' England

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Jolly Ole' England - Page 3 Empty Re: Jolly Ole' England

Post by Hubby-Chan Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:36 am

Just when Ahriman was starting to calm down, Ha went and screwed everything up. Starting to get tense once again, he clenched his fists, squeezing Quinton’s hand in the process. Quinton had attempted to calm him down by rubbing his hand discreetly, but it was a failure. He was far too worked up now. “Fuck you.” he snapped at Ha, while glaring at him. Oh how he wanted to wring his neck right now. He pretty much ruined everything, by telling Azrael that. Asides he was just curious as to what the demon had to offer, it wasn’t like he was truly going to make a deal with him if it didn’t interest him enough. “ He can figure out whether or not I’m a poor deal maker, himself. Asides I’m probably the only one here who’d be willing to make a deal with him. So you should shut your mouth, before I make sure you never speak again." he growled. Surely he was digging himself an even bigger hole than before, right now with Quinton, but once again he was starting not to care. 

Kurai looked up at Yu when she took Eric away and sighed heavily when he was no longer in his hands. He ran his hand through his hair before responding to Ian. “Well Suru went after this vampire who seemed very angry at Eric and his friend for some reason. Eric’s injuries were caused by said vampire because Eric was trying to protect his friend." He paused and cleared his throat before continuing. “ Anyways, I followed behind Suru for a bit, before traveling through shadow. I managed to get to Eric before the other vampire murdered him; and brought him down to the void below us. Now we’re here…that’s all I know. “ Finishing he rubbed the back of his neck. Hopefully that was enough information for just a summary. He then looked at Azrael who was just sitting on the floor. Who was this guy? And what the hell did he want from them . 
He was about to say something to him, before a wave annoyance hit him when Ahriman was bitching at Ha. “Ahriman, just shut up." He hissed and gave him a nasty look “If you do anything in here, I’ll make sure you’ll stay in a nice long coma." He frowned and rubbed his eyes. Sighing once again he turned his attention to Azrael “Why are you here might I ask?” he asked him. It didn’t seem like he wanted to start anything, he was kinda of just sitting there being all amused by the scene in front of him.

Niko sighed and rubbed his forehead. With Ahriman bickering with Ha, Kurai retaliating against him and the new guy, Azrael just appearing and examining everyone, he was starting to get a headache.  
With everything here happening, he kind of wanted to leave and go see Michael. He was certain that he was very worried by now. At least he didn't have to see him as a bloody mess. That would've been a lot worse. He sighed again, knowing that he couldn't just get up and go, not right now. He wouldn't want to abandon his friends, even though he knew everyone here could hold their own. Still Michael would have to wait just a few more minutes.
- - -
Saika was petting the top of Michael’s head, while conversing with Haruo and Ookami. It was getting rather late, the rest of the group should’ve been back now. Hopefully nothing too bad happened. Her thoughts soon disappeared, when she heard the knock on the door. She would’ve gotten up but Michael seemed to have been very comfortable where he was. “Hey , Ookami could you get that?” she asked.

Ookami nodded, getting up and headed for the door. She unlocked it and opened it up to see Kai on the other end. “Welcome back.” she said. With Kai being here that only meant that the others couldn’t be too far behind, unless of course he was here to bring bad news. She then stepped to the side and gestured him to come in. 

“Hey.” Kai said as he walked into the room, giving a small wave to everyone there. He was glad to see everyone was in one spot. He walked over to his mom and Michael “Just want to let you know everyone’s alright..we’re all in Ha’s room. Something just kept us behind.” At that point he began to explain what happened with all the detail he could remember. From Eric toying with them, to Daichi the new vampire child Suru adopted, and the brawl between Eric and Axel. Of course he didn’t know Suru’s or Kurai’s part; but that didn't really matter. He then took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

"Oh my. Well I'm glad to see you're safe Kai." Saika said with a warm smile at him. She then looked down at Michael and asked him "Would you want to go see Niko, Michael?" Surely seeing him would ease his worries. "It's okay if you don't, but I'm going to go over and check it out. You can stay here with the others if you want."

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Jolly Ole' England - Page 3 Empty Re: Jolly Ole' England

Post by contracteryin Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:43 pm

Maxwell let out a hearty laugh at Axel's last command. "Other end of the alley? Are you blind? This is a dead end. There is nowhere for me to go. It's why I was happy to see you came down here." Of course, at this point, things weren't really working out for him. What will power he did have was starting to fade. His head was beginning to cloud and hurt a lot. It was almost like a migraine. He didn't believe for a second that Axel would help Eric, but there wasn't a whole lot he could do about it. In all likelihood he was dead. Suru seemed more trustworthy than Axel, but he was still a vampire and he wouldn't take his word to heart.
Reluctantly, Maxwell took out his phone and told everyone to call off, but at the same time sent Ace a message as to where he should meet. He was going to come after this guy later, and he was sure Ace would be of some help. Hell, if Eric was alive he might end up being some help too.
He then stuck his phone back into his pocket and growled "There, you happy?"

Yu let out a heavy sigh and stood up as Ahriman and Ha started to bicker. As she stood up, Eric continued to heal even though she was no longer touching him.
"Hush, children," she hissed as she turned to Ahriman. "You know damn well that isn't true so perhaps you should one to shut your mouth. Ha's comments were unnecessary but so is your reaction. If you can't take a tiny insult perhaps you shouldn't even have an opportunity to barter what little you have."
Yu knew, just like Ha, that she was walking on thin ice but she was considerably stronger than Ha in most aspects. Ahriman didn't scare her in the least. He didn't scare Ha either, but sometimes Ha was rather dumb. Like right now.
She then turned to Azrael. "No need to stare. There's nothing to see. As Kurai asked, what do you want? I apologize for the children bickering. Those two tend to butt heads a lot in any situation that doesn't call for teamwork."

Ha scoffed at Yu, but decided to keep his mouth shut. If he back talked too much he would get hit upside the head or kneed in the balls... neither of which sounded like they would be fun. He turned his attention back to Ahriman and noticed that Quinton was wincing for some reason and raised an eyebrow. There didn't appear to be anything wrong. He was fine a minute ago.
"Are you alright?" He asked Quinton, who had straightened his face as soon as Ha looked at him. Even if something was wrong, Quinton would most likely say no.

"No, I'm alright," Quinton said with a small smile, just as Ha had predicted. In actuality, his hand was killing him because of Ahriman's death clench. He had hoped that touching him would work but it didn't in the slightest. He couldn't even move his hand in Ahriman's grip, next thing he knew he would end up looking like Eric... and that would be no fun.
"Ahriman," Quinton said just loud enough for him to hear. "You're hurting my hand. Calm down, please. Don't take it to heart." For someone who said they didn't give a fuck, he gave and awful lot of fucks all the time.

"That's rather unfortunate, he doesn't seem like a bad kid," Ian said as he watched Eric continue to heal. He had been healed by Ha and/or Yu on more than one occasion and it didn't exactly feel nice. The fact that Eric hadn't made any noise at all was rather surprising. Then again, he was practically out cold so even if he was in a lot of pain it would take a lot of effort for him to make any sound.
He quickly turned his attention back to the little bicker between the demons and let out a heavy sigh. This was completely and utterly unnecessary.
"You know, right now isn't exactly a good time to fight among ourselves, so thank you, Yu," Ian said as he crossed his arms. It would be interesting to see what she would do. She was nice when he needed to be, but hard as nails otherwise.

Michael turned back to his human form and stretched while making a groaning noise. "Of course I'd like to go see him. After all that I hope he's okay. The vampire kid part is awfully worrying. It didn't help that the message he sent me was so vague."
He had wanted to message Niko back, however, if the situation was bad he didn't want to distract him anyway. From what Kai said it wasn't extremely bad but it wasn't good either. To be honest, at this point, all he wanted to do was go fetch Niko and go back to the room so they could go to bed. Everyone would be able to handle the situation on their own. A demon hunter and three demons better be able to take on one contract demon. If not, that was sad.
Without another word, Micheal headed off to Ha's room to see Niko.
*wee little time skip for Michael*
Upon getting to the room, Michael completely ignored Azrael and well... everyone, and headed over to Niko. He seemed drained.
"Are you okay?" he asked in a hushed voice without sitting down. "You look alright, though really tired. I have a feeling you won't want to leave but you probably should. Ian, Kurai, Yu, Ha, and dare I say it, Ahriman, will be able to take care of this all."
He took Niko's hands and kissed them. Hopefully Niko would come along. If not, he'd just hang around with Niko to wait and see what happened.

Once Yu was done speaking to Azreal and whomever the "children" were, Eric started to feel some energy coming back to him. At the same time, it felt as if he was done healing. With a groan, he draped an arm over his forehead. His head still felt like it was made of lead, and the light was way too bright.
Slowly, he rolled onto his stomach and put a hand over his eyes, one of which was shut, to try and see what was going on. There was just a bunch of people, primarily men, that he didn't know, standing around the room and arguing with one another. There was also some... demon? guy who was sitting on the floor, staring at the one girl and apparently paying attention to the other asian who wasn't Kurai and the guy next to the messy haired kid.
Groaning again, he put his forehead onto the ground. He just wanted to go to bed now, but it looked like it would be a while.
Hopefully someone would notice. Otherwise he was going to pass out on the floor.

Olafr broke the kiss with Cayden and added another finger to Cayden, spreading them out. "For the most part you've been very quiet tonight... that's very disappointing." He bit Cayden's lower lip hard enough to draw a little blood, but then drew back and took his fingers out of Cayden.
"Just think about it. You're naked, blind folded, tied up, and have your legs spread for the world to see. Just picture how stupid you look." He licked the small amount of blood pooling under Cayden's lip. "I'm sure that anyone who cares about you would be pretty damn disappointed. What do you think?"
A smirk made it's way onto his face as he traced his unused hand up along Cayden's neck, wrapped his hand around it and put light pressure on Cayden's Adam's Apple, and leaned in close to his ear and whispered "I think it's going to be a long night for you."

**Suru is just thinking about stuffs so I'll bring him back later or if something happens/someone interacts with him

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Jolly Ole' England - Page 3 Empty Re: Jolly Ole' England

Post by Malakai Tue Sep 09, 2014 4:36 pm

Axel stared sternly at Maxwell as he continued moving with his back pressed the building surface of the back alley. If he were feeling any better he'd have been able to make his way out by climbing or jumping, but his limbs still felt as if they weren't attached to him. When Maxwell called his troops off, Axel knew he had no time better than the present to make a break for it. He was heavily reluctant to turn his back on Maxwell but in order to get anywhere in a reasonable amount of time he'd have to put his focus into his movements. If he tried to run backwards like this he'd just fall on his ass, so while creeping his way to the open end of the alley Axel spoke one last time.
"Don't follow me."
Axel finally tore his eyes away from Maxwell and turned to run clumsily. He hoped he'd just look drunk to whoever he came across. He'd love to hail a cab but there didn't seem to be any around, and besides, he'd lost his wallet. Walking- rather, running- seemed to be the only solution. He kept his ears open for any trouble while looking at his feet to make sure they were moving properly. He could tell he was swaying, and occasionally he'd stumble, and his haphazard movements embarrassed him a great deal, but he pressed on. Now wasn't a time to worry about style or class. A vampire hunter was on his case and he needed to get back to his hotel before Maxwell's head cleared.
*wee time-jump for Axel as well*
After what seemed to be hours, somehow Axel found the hotel. He approached it and walked up to the main desk to get a replacement key card. Feeling doubtful he'd even get a key, he was relieved and relatively surprised at how easy it seemed to get a replacement after only answering a few question. Once he was on the floor of his room he could smell a few familiar scents. Suru, which he wasn't surprised about, but he was surprised he could smell the boy he attacked. He wondered if his nose was just playing tricks on him or if Suru had somehow come in contact with him. Either way, as he currently felt, Axel wanted to go to his room and slip whatever he was feeling off, but he also wanted to go bug Suru. Maybe apologize. Axel leaned against his room door as he debated, almost wanting the decision to somehow be made for him.

Azrael chuckled softly as Yu chewed out Ha and Ahriman. He had wanted to see a fight but for how much was already going on, this was still entertaining and an easier situation. Plus he wouldn't just get thrown into the corner and forced to wait for them to work things out.
"I should be the one apologizing. For staring anyways. As for the bickering, it was a bit of entertainment. It's been a while since I've been up here so I'd like to experience everything I can. Even demons arguing seems different here..." Azrael told Yu almost wistfully, then cleared his throat.
"To answer... Kurai, I'm here because I was sent by a higher demon to retrieve a vampire child. But what I want is to mess with said higher demon. And perhaps have a bit of fun up here while I can," Azrael looked away as if his attention where being drawn elsewhere, then smiled. He noted Michael, labelled him as a wolf, before he looked back to Eric who had been making some noise. He seemed to be exhausted or in pain, but Azrael didn't want to directly help him. Rather than walking towards him, Azrael lifted a finger to point at Eric. Someone else would help him.
"I should probably hide my identity while here, shouldn't I?" Azrael was just thinking out loud, and his mind scanned over a few different appearances he could take on while keeping a finger pointed at Eric.

Cayden nearly purred as Olafr continued to finger him. Olafrs words confused him a little, but he let out a sharp gasp of pain when he bit. It's not as if he wasn't bit before, but the sensation almost seemed heightened. It was painful to be bit anyways. As Olafr continued to speak Cayden turned his head just slightly to the side, as if to avert his gaze. Not that it mattered, he was blindfolded and couldn't see Olafr anyways, but it was mostly out of habit. Cayden almost wanted to curl in on himself, but after a moments thought he smirked.
"As if there's anyone who does care," Cayden retorted, looking back towards Olafrs voice. He felt a small surge of power, but it was short-lived. When he felt a hand on his neck, Cayden was instantly reminded of his situation. He was naked... Blind folded... tied up... and had his legs spread. For the world to see. Another wave of shame washed over him, and as Olafr whispered into Caydens ear, he felt himself aroused yet his cheeks felt as if they were burning in shame. He couldn't even bring himself to come up with something to respond to Olafr with, but tried to hide his emotion by averting his gaze once again.

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Age : 27
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Jolly Ole' England - Page 3 Empty Re: Jolly Ole' England

Post by Hubby-Chan Fri Sep 12, 2014 8:14 pm

Saika had followed Michael out, along with Kai leaving the others back in the room. Once Michael went for Niko, she walked over to where Kurai was standing. “Seems pretty crowded in here. “ she said to him as she scanned the room. A couple new people were here as well. The blue-haired kid and another demon, that Kai told her about. It appeared as though Ha’s sister was able to help Eric out though. From what she heard he was lucky that he got that treatment from her. “ I didn’t see him before but he looks like he’s doing alright. “ She said taking a small step closer to Kurai, and leaned against him slightly. 

“Yes thank you, Yu. Though I doubt that’ll shut him up.” Kurai said in annoyance along with Ian, right before he noticed that Saika had entered the room. He turned his attention over to her “Just a bit. “ He said back. He was glad to see that she was alright, even though there was no real reason to worry, she had been in the room the whole time. Still this night was just full of surprises, so really anything could happen. Now he just wondered how this night would end. Surely Azrael didn’t expect them to go out and mess with the other demon tonight, after all they’ve been through. By the looks of it the only one excited to do such a thing would be Ahriman, but who knows how well that’d go over. 
He then looked back over at Azrael “ I see. “ he started to say. “ So you’re breaking a contract to start a new contract?” he asked. It was weird to think that a contractor demon wouldn’t want to see the previous deal all the way through, unless he had no end of the bargain. Perhaps this higher level demon was just using him for something. His attention soon shifted over to Eric, when Azrael pointed to him. Well whatever Yu did certainly seemed to help, now they just needed to get him up and off the floor somehow. 

Kai came wandering back it after his mom and Michael. Nothing different had changed. Except for the fact that Eric was now moving…or at least groaning while laying on the floor. He didn’t blame the guy, he’d be the same way if he was in his situation. Luckily Yu had worked her magic and was able to get his bones and everything else in the appropriate spot. Surely someone would notice, especially after Azrael had pointed it out. So there was really no need for him to step in and say anything. In fact he wasn’t sure what he could say or do at the moment. He would go to Quinton but he seemed to be kind of busy trying to control his boy toy. Though he had a feeling that those two weren’t going to separate from each other too easily tonight. Which just meant he was going to be left doing his own thing, until they were done with whatever they do. 

Just before Ahriman was going to answer back to Yu’s comment, he heard Quinton’s voice. He didn’t even realize that he was squeezing his hand so hard, and immediately released his hand from the death grip. It was difficult for him to control his own anger, but he did he his best to not get Quinton involved. He still had his hand in Quinton’s though. It was kind of comforting in a strange way.  
Turning his attention back to Yu, he finally responded with “ I find it amusing that you think I’m upset over a petty insult. “ He paused, staring at Yu intently. “You obviously don’t know me that well, so why don’t you stay out of this and keep those pretty little lips sealed. “ He ended on that note, when he got somewhat distracted by another female voice. A voice that was all too familiar. It was non-other than Saika. That bitch, why did she have to show up. Now he really had to be on his best behavior, or at least a better one. With that he then remembered that he still had Lilith in his pocket. It seemed safe enough to bring her out, and she did help calm him down when he got in these weird moods. He shuffled through his pockets, and grabbed his friend. Pulling her out and placing her on the top of his head. Once he did that she almost instantly transformed back into her fox-like form, while still lying down on his head, and watched the whole the group. 

Niko being kinda zoned out for a bit was rather surprised to see Michael right in front of him. He smiled brightly at him, boy was he glad to see him. “I’m fine.” he assured him. “ Ha made everything better.” Now that Michael was here, he truly did wanted to take his offer and go back with him to the room. He knew well enough that everyone who was currently here could handle anything that would take place. Though he still wanted to make sure everything was alright with everyone, or else he’d still end up worrying about them and that’d keep him up at night. “I’ll just stay a little longer. “ he said and brushed one of his hands against Michael’s cheek.
“Actually it might be sooner than you think.” He said, as he looked over at Eric after Azrael had said something. If anyone need to go to sleep it definitely was that kid. “Um, perhaps we should find him a place to crash for the night.” He said to pretty much everyone, just throwing out a suggestion.

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Jolly Ole' England - Page 3 Empty Re: Jolly Ole' England

Post by contracteryin Sun Sep 14, 2014 9:23 pm

Before Ahriman could start the "You obviously don't know me" rant, Quinton covered Ahriman's mouth with his other hand.
"Would you be quiet?" Quinton asked in an irritated groan. "Your body language and getting so defensive towards Ha implies you were insulted." He removed his hand from Ahriman's face and let out a heavy sigh. At this point he just wanted to leave the room and they hadn't even been here again for two minutes. He loved Ahriman to death, but his irritability towards other people was extremely tiring. Not to mention the whole entire argument was really petty.
Once Ahriman took Lilith out, Quinton leaned back against the wall, while still holding Ahrimans hand. At the moment he didn't care if anyone saw them holding hands. His mood had hit the floor and he just wanted to go back to his room and go to bed.

"Okay, sounds good," Ha said to Azrael. "Though what do you define as higher class? All of you contractor demons are lower class, so anyone in the middle of actual high class could be considered high class for you." That would make a big difference. If they were an actual high class, there might not be much they could do other than break the contract by killing off Azrael or making some other sort of deal with him, which could be anything.

"It doesn't matter his class," Yu declared. "What exactly do you want out of us? That's what will determine if we'll go along with you. There's another demon, who is technically owned by Ahriman, named Olafr, who would be able to deal with him... mostly via annoyance, if that is what you're going for."
She paused for a moment to let out a sigh while glancing over at Eric. She walked over to him, picked him up bridal style, walked over to the bed she was supposed to be in and plopped him down, only to return back with the group a moment later. She would just sleep in the same bed as Ha, it didn't really matter to her.

"Bloody fucking hell, what is wrong with you?" Eric asked as Yu picked him up, which Yu completely ignored. "You're a lot stronger than you look." From what he could tell she was pretty shinny. He was at least 160 and she picked him up like he was a feather. Not to mention that she had no reason to heal him or even help him. Another groan escaped him as he was plopped on the bed. It was really, really soft. Wherever the hell he was, it was at least a nice place to sleep.
Just before passing out, he took his shoes off.

"Uh, I don't know how I feel about getting Olafr involved with this..." Ian said as he started to trail off. "He'll just ask what he's going to get out of it. As much as he likes bothering people I don't think that'll be enough to make him go along with it."

"I don't like the idea either," Michael input with a bit of a frown. Even though he had absolutely no reason to still care about Olafr, he couldn't help himself. Not to mention somehow he might fuck everyone over in some way. "If he ends up not liking whats going on he could just switch side while pretending to be helpful. He's done it before and why wouldn't he do it again?" He sat down next to Niko, wrapped his arms around one of Niko's and leaned against him. He wasn't liking the sound of this. He was sleepy, and he really wanted to go even though he knew Niko would respond like that. He had been in a light sleep on Saika's lap, and it was really hitting him now.

"Souls," Ian said. "I mean, Yu, Ha, and most certainly Ahriman could take his whole stash away if he did something dastardly enough. Furthermore, it was just a suggestion. We have to learn a little more about the demon till we can say yes or no to that. He's pretty limited in what he is capable of doing anyway, considering Ahriman converted him." Electricity and regeneration abilities were all he got out of it. Of course, he was extremely charismatic and could blend into any situation he wanted to, so that was helpful as well.

"Personally I think it's a pretty good idea either way," Quinton decided to cut in. "At the very least he's annoying and resilient enough to be a distraction. If he gets himself killed he'd come back. As my dad said he has no shortage of souls, but I doubt a higher class demon that isn't Ahriman, Yu, or Ha would take them all. They would think he was just annoying and not worth the effort. 80 souls or whatever isn't much to them." After he was done talking he kind of regretted bringing all the attention over to him while holding Ahriman's hand, but decided to just play it off like it was nothing.


Maxwell frowned once Axel ran away, though at this point he couldn't really disobey him. His brain was fried just from the short 2-3 minute period that he resisted the glamouring.
"Tch," he said as he left the alley. His troops would be able to tell Axel left so he wouldn't even have to really tell them. He was't one to just let vampires run off. However, they were rather difficult to deal with. He was lucky Axel hadn't decided to eat him.
A moment later, his phone began to ring and it was Ace.

"The vampire got away," he told Ace. "I don't know what happened to Eric. The story I was told is really fishy. Apparently some dragon shapeshifter who can bend shadows brought him into another dimension or something. It sounds like bullshit to me."
Sounds like bullshit to me too. Anyway, this guy sounds like he's going to be a problem. However, he seems really strong. His ID say's his name is Mark but the person on the ID doesn't even look like him. It has to be fake, Ace responded.
Maxwell nodded even though Ace couldn't see. "I'll meet you back at home. Call Sarah. In the meantime, I'm going to check and see if I can find anyone that looks like him off of our register. Anyone as strong as him has to be in it."
"Alright, sounds good. I'm sure Sarah will be worried... with good reason. Hopefully tomorrow we'll be able to get in contact with Eric. If he's with 'Mark' somehow, maybe we could have him for the dirty work for us and have him do the dirty work for us.
"Sounds like a plan. I'll see you at home." Maxwell hung up with a good bye and started to run towards the subway. Hopefully the ice Suru had been put down was finally gone.

Olafr let out a throaty laugh at Cayden's response. "How cute. You fae always seem to sell yourselves short. I rarely whore myself for free but you... you let the first guy who bought you a drink fuck you. No wonder why no one cares about you," he said in a honeyed voice while tightening his grip on Cayden's throat. "I've never met a fae that wasn't a whore. At least this way I know I can do whatever I want to you and no one will miss you."
Once he was done talking, he got back off the bed, opened the curtains and turned the light back on. Before returning to the bed, he pulled a collar, usually reserved for Michael, out of his suitcase and put it on Cayden.
With a yank, he pulled Cayden up off the bed and shoved him against the glass, which had to be cold.
"Guess where you are," he told Cayden as he spread his legs once again and pressed his back against Cayden's. Before Cayden had a chance to answer, he licked up his neck-- slowly-- before breathing into his ear and saying. "We're on the third story. We're low enough down anyone walking by can see you."
He began stroking Cayden once again, and unzipped his own pants with the other hand. "Now the whole world really can see you. With the light on, it doesn't really matter that it's dark outside."
A little snicker escaped Olafr's lips as he inserted himself into Cayden and bit down on his neck.

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Jolly Ole' England - Page 3 Empty Re: Jolly Ole' England

Post by Malakai Tue Sep 16, 2014 12:23 am

Axel remained slumped against the door of his hotel room, still debating. His eyes were closed tight and he was focusing on what he could hear and smell, but even so, his muscles weren't wanting to co-operate. He'd definitely rather just go and sleep whatever the hell was through him off, but with it being the middle of the night he wasn't exactly tired. Regardless, he'd had enough action for the night. With a bit of fumbling he swiped the hotel card and got into his hotel room.
Walking into the bathroom, he lightly slapped his cheeks and headed to the sink. He turned it on and splashed his face with water, then went back out to sit on his bed. More awkward fumbling and he managed to pull his shirt off, which he tossed on the floor. Once he was free of his shirt he flopped back onto the bed, trying to make it easier on himself to pull his phone out of his pocket and take off his pants. His pants were tossed with his shirt, as were his socks. He was moderately surprised he had managed to get his clothes off, but pleased with himself nonetheless. After a moment of relaxing he grabbed his phone and fumbled to call the coven house.
The phone was answered on the third ring, and Axel forced himself to remain composed while talking.
"Hey Virus! Everything's good here... I have a favour to ask, can you send Emily and Enyo over? Tell them to get a room in the Dorchester. Yes, as soon as possible. Great, thanks.
Axel let out a heavy sigh after he hung up and flopped back onto the bed. He was slightly relieved by the fact that he would have some of his coven members there by tomorrow's afternoon, but worried he might be dragging them into danger. Mulling over his own thoughts, he managed to turn on the tv and flipped to some random channel, deciding to watch whatever came on until he did fall asleep.
Azrael tilted his head as he watched the others interact, while deciding what questions exactly to answer. Yu had asked him what he wanted out of them. What did he want out of them? What could they offer him? But when she mentioned someone named Olafr he immediately turned his attention back to her, is interest piqued.
"Olafr?" he repeated then looked to Ian. While tapping his lips with his finger in thought, he also looked to Michael. He considered all the information that people were offering up, then finally looked to Quinton and smirked.
"Olafr it is! It's not a big deal. I'll just nudge the one that sent me in Olafrs direction and perhaps nudge Olafr in his direction and while Olafr is pestering Marko I can enjoy my time up here!" Azrael concluded, smiling brightly.
"Of course, I will need a new contract, or else I have to do what Marko says, and soon," Azrael reminded them. If he was unable to make one within the day then he'd have to try and snatch up the vampire kid and leave with him, even though he wasn't getting much out of the bargain. Still, if they didn't pay attention to what he was saying before he might be able to get a nice deal without them noticing a small white lie.
"As a powerful demon, Marko has a lot to offer, so make your best deal and I'll see if I can work with that," Azrael grinned. Not quite a lie; Marko did have plenty of souls to offer, but he hadn't offered Azrael a thing.
Cayden bared his teeth and let out a small, quiet growl at Olafr before letting it drop. Now was no time to play tough, he just had to play along and try not to get killed. When Cayden felt Olafr pull away he sat up, interested, listening for his footsteps. Olafr didn't leave the room, but he heard metal sliding against metal and a flick of a switch. The small bit of light that crept into the blindfold let him know the lights had been turned on, but he couldn't tell what else Olafr was doing. His fear mingled with curiousity, though a sudden sense of dread filled him as the collar was put on and he was yanked up.
The fae stumbled, though he somehow managed to not fall. Without having any time to gain his barings he was shoved against a cold surface and tried to pull away from it, a shiver running through him. When Olafr began speaking, the sense of dread that Cayden felt earlier intensified, as if it were engulfing his entire being. Almost immediately he knew he was against the window and he started to try and push away from it.
"Get me the fuck away!" Cayden ordered, even though he already assumed it would be of little use, especially since Olafr continued speaking. Olafr stroking him just reassured Cayden that vocal pleas or demands would not be met. Cayden was getting ready to try and elbow or kick Olafr, but he wasn't able to act. Cayden felt Olafr enter him only moments before the pain from his neck was registered, and the fae cried out, trying to pull away from the pain. A short moment later, gritting his teeth, Cayden moved to try and elbow Olafr, but his attempt was weak. There was nothing he could do in his position. He was powerless.

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Jolly Ole' England - Page 3 Empty Re: Jolly Ole' England

Post by Hubby-Chan Sun Sep 21, 2014 4:09 pm

“Getting Olafr involved…oh boy.” Kurai mumbled to himself, and rubbed his eyes. On one hand Azrael would be happy, and they didn’t really have to get involved with dealing with the higher class demon he talks about. On the other hand though, it was Olafr. Trusting him to get the job done and not back stab the group somehow was a joke. So in the end they would have to keep more of an eye on Olafr. Ian seemed to be all for it, certainly the three demons here could keep the crazy asshole in-line. He took a small glance over at Quinton when he spoke, like father like son he supposed. Within the small glance he couldn’t help but pick up his hand in…Ahriman’s. Which caused him to take a bit of a double-take. He raised an eyebrow, and folded his arms against his chest. “Strange.” he thought to himself, he was more surprised that Ahriman was fine with it, being that Quinton was so clingy to Ahriman at a very young age. He didn’t look for too long, so he wouldn’t draw any unnecessary attention to it. Though he did want to bring it to Ian’s attention at some point. After all it was his son, and as much as he was against the idea of someone so close, dating Ahriman..he had no control over it. Only Ian could stop him, if he so wanted.
Changing the topic for a bit, he turned to Azrael to say “ I personally wouldn’t trust Olafr, but if you’re willing to risk it then that’s on you.” He had a feeling this demon was pretty set on the idea of getting Olafr to do the job, but he’d be to blame if that lunatic did anything rash. Sighing, he continued to speak “If you’re going to make a deal with him, you’ll need to find him first. He’s obviously not with us and unless one of us know where he’s located, finding him might be more difficult then you think.”

Annoyed with Quinton’s reaction, Ahriman turned to him and gave him a look. He wished the Quinton would side with him more often, rather than sticking up for the other’s. Of course if he said that he’d get the whole speech of how if it weren’t for Ian he wouldn’t be who he was, or even here for that matter. Yeah he’s heard it all before, and he doesn’t want to go through it again. Still it would be preferable if he was on his side all the time. He was about to say something to him, but Lilith had placed her two front paws on his eyes in attempt to distract him. Luckily she did, otherwise his words probably would’ve came off a bit harsh. From that point on he kept his mouth shut, until of course the mention of Olafr came up.
“What makes you think Olafr will be so willing to do this job?” He questioned, while moving Lilith’s paws out of his vision. He could use this to his advantage, if Azrael really did decide to go with Olafr, after all he was pretty determined to get something out of this. “Asides, this task sounds dangerous, and as others here have mentioned he’s mine, and I do care about him oh so much.” Which was a blatant lie. In all honestly he could careless if Olafr kicked the bucket. He had his soul and that’s all that mattered. Then poor Olafr would be stuck with him for all eternity, with no escape. “Plus I know where he is, I could take you to him…but that doesn’t mean I will.”

“Yeah dealing with Olafr definitely has it’s pros and cons. Though I think more cons then pros, but unfortunately he would be a good candidate for this job.” Saika said, putting her two cents in. Even if Olafr did decide to back stab everyone during this, it wasn’t like he could take on all of them here, no matter how many lives he had. Especially going against Suru alone, Suru would have his lives down to a single digit number in a second. She knew well enough though that Olafr wasn’t dumb. Pretty sure, the entire group knew that. Not only was he manipulative but he was crafty. It made it all the much harder to see through him.
She then glanced over at Ahriman when he decided to speak once again. She wondered what he was up to, surely he was thinking of using Olafr to get something out of Azrael; and knowing him it could range from food to world domination. Souls were usually a good way for him to accept the deal, but who knows if that’s what he wanted this time.

Kai glanced over at Quinton when he spoke. He noticed two things, the first was Ahriman seemed pretty annoyed at him for stopping him from his rant. The second thing he noticed, was that they were holding hands. This would not be a good time for them to come out and say that they were dating, so hopefully no one would look over to see them. He kind of wanted to cause a distraction, but that might be a little over the top or suspicious. Still, as obvious as it looked with their hands intertwined, it could still be seen as an accident right?
He sighed heavily and closed his eyes, it was really no use, the group was going to find at some point, it really was better to just get it over with. Still he hoped that people wouldn’t react too harsh on Quinton, especially his dad. His dad wasn’t the kind of person to take this situation lightly.

Niko placed his free hand on top of Michael’s head and petted him for a bit. He had every reason to not want to get Olafr involved, but even so he’d make sure no harm would come to Michael. He decided not to say what he though about getting Michael’s brother involved, Azrael seemed to have made up his mind already. And he believed it was better for Olafr to lose a few lives, then for anyone else that he actually cared about to lose their one life. He still didn’t understand how Michael cared for his brother so much, after all that asshole put him through. How could anyone feel for a person who tortured them. He had questioned Michael for it a few times, and still never got a true answer. Maybe it was because he was still his sibling, who knows.
Everything seemed to have calmed down more or less, and Michael looked as if he was going to pass out right here. So before they got Olafr involved he decided this would be a good time to make his exit with Michael. He leaned down some and kissed the top of his head lightly. “You want to go to bed now?” he whispered to him, already knowing the answer. It had been a pretty long day, and whether they were asleep or half-asleep they’d still be pretty useless to everyone in this situation.

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Jolly Ole' England - Page 3 Empty Re: Jolly Ole' England

Post by contracteryin Mon Oct 06, 2014 8:24 pm

**Note for Kai: Whatever the name of that vampire hunter chick you're going to use in the other RP, if you want you can bring her in here too. Otherwise I'll be the only one with hunters. I know Kam will be bringing in other antagonists but he doesn't have any hunters. For example, if you so wish she can be with Maxwell if she isn't actually English or whatever.

***You two can come up with some sort of agreement as to what Ahriman and Azrael agreed on. You could do it as a header like this or something, but in the end do what you two want because in order to do the skip this turn I have to jump over that.

Ace woke up with a groan and placed a hand on his head. The fall he had taken when Axel tackled him had been worse than he thought. On the bright side, they had discovered that 'Mark' was staying in The Dorkshire. Considering he had a  room ID, not to mention Marks, he was pretty much all set to go. Well, not quite. Either way, he and Maxwell had a pretty damn good way of at least finding this guy.
With another groan, Ace rolled out of bed and threw some clothes on. He could hear Maxwell downstairs making something. It smelt kind of like a Full English, which would be extremely nice considering how busy they were going to be today. Though he and Maxwell (among some other hunters) had conversed last night, they were still unsure about what they wanted to go ahead and do. Not only was 'Mark' here, but so was Suru, as well as supposedly his son Nyyrikki, and another well known vampire Ian. With four powerhouses in London they couldn't afford to fuck up.

'Where the hell am I?' Eric questioned as he rubbed his eyes. He didn't remember much of anything beyond Kurai bringing him back to the surface. Due to the fact his hand wasn't in terrible pain anymore, nor was his chest, he figured it was safe to assume the healer he spoke of did his or her job without complaint.
A small yawn escaped his lips as he peeled open his eyes. He heard some shuffling and turned his attention to it. Slowly, he sat up, put his shoes back on and crept into the living room where he heard the sound. By the looks of it, some asian lady was making some tea, while some asian guy was sitting down on the couch looking not only tired, but bored.
"Uh, hi?" He asked as he placed a hand on the back of his neck and wore an awkward smile. "Where might I be and where could I find a bathroom?"
"Nice of you to wake up," Yu said without even looking up. "There's one by the door you'd exit out of. If you don't want to go there, then there is one in the lobby. I would advise you at least brush your hair before you leave. You still look like a mess."

Eric frowned a little as he gave himself a once over, licked his hand in order to flatten out his hair and threw off his hoodie. It was covered in dirt and blood. "Okay thanks. But where am I?" He asked again.

"The Dorkshire," Ha said as he looked over at Eric. "She is the lovely lady who healed you, so when you come back you should say thank you. Also, don't get lost. We're room 118. My name is Ha, her name is Yu. She's my twin." If he didn't state that Eric would probably think they were a couple. He wouldn't be right, but he wouldn't be wrong either.

"Uh, thank you..." Eric said as he started to head towards the door. He didn't believe them that they were in The Dorkshire. This hotel was hella nice but there was no way they had enough money to actually stay here. Well, perhaps there was but why would they keep some middle class pleb like him with them if that was the case?
With a shake of his head, he opened the door, took a left and started to wander around.
Maybe Ha had been serious.

Not too long after Eric rounded a corner, Gabryjel slunk out of his room. He needed to talk to Suru about some stuff, in particular about getting in contact with someone. He could always talk to Drugi's girlfriend as well since she was from an Elvin community and one of the high class elves, but he was much more comfortable talking to Suru.
He had thrown on a somewhat loose blue t-shirt that said "Morrowind" on the front with the Elder Scrolls logo behind it, and topped it off with an oh-so fancy pair of worn black jeans and khaki boating shoes. Since he was only going to see Suru he hadn't even bothered with doing his hair, so it was sticking up in a few places.
Due to the fact he was still kind of sleepy, he misread "119" as "116" and knocked on Axel's door thinking it was Suru's.

Suru was awake, sitting on the bed next to Ookami with his fingers entwined just under his nose. He hadn't slept well. Part of the reason was because Daichi could wake up at any time and just destroy everything, and the other part was the fact that Maxwell knew he was here in London. Furthermore, he had smelt Axel walk by last night. There was no way in hell Axel wasn't going to get hunted down. If he was on the same floor as Suru then that made him, Ian, Nyyrikki and Daichi far more vulnerable to whatever the hunters may try to do. Hell, this put anyone they associated with in a dangerous spot.
He diverted his eyes from Daichi and back over to Ookami. Hopefully she wasn't cold, though he doubted she was. The blankets had been fairly warm but when he got out from under them some of the cooler room air had found its way in. With a deep breath, he closed his eyes. He knew she wouldn't be asleep for too much longer, nor would Daichi; not to mention he would be a hungry mess. It would be a good idea to get changed but he wasn't feeling it. The tshirt and jeans were more comfortable than his normal attire for once.

"Ahriman," Quinton said in his half asleep state and opened his eyes just enough to see Ahriman. Over the course of the night, Ahriman happened to have rolled a few inches away and was on his stomach. With a slight groan, Quinton picked himself up and placed himself on Ahriman's back. Other than boxers, they were both naked.
"We should go for a walk," he said as he kissed Ahriman's cheek and then his temple. Ahriman was really warm, and in general, comfortable. If Ahriman said not to the walk he'd just continue to lay on him like this. He could live with this, or with just some sort of snuggling with Ahriman. He'd just leave Kai a note saying that they were going out for a walk. It was way too early for Breakfast so they'd come back for that. No was way Ahriman going to miss some food he didn't have to pay for courteousy of Suru.

The beds here at the hotel were way too soft. The blankets were too warm, the air conditioning sucked because it wasn't cold enough, and just like the bed, all of the furniture was far too plush. Hell, even the carpeting was like a cloud.
He couldn't stand it.
Cayden was still here in his room, mostly because he decided to knock him out after Olafr decided he was done. He had just turned into a sobbing, whiny mess. He made it fast and simple with a blood choke and then put him on the bed. Apparently the fae had been pretty damn tired since he still wasn't awake. Whenever he did wake up, he could leave if he wanted. He doubted the kid would be dumb enough to go and tell someone that he went to have a one night stand with the first person to buy him a drink at a low-down club and then went to The Dorkshire of all places and got raped.
No one would believe him. Which worked out nicely for Olafr, it meant he wouldn't have to kill the guy unless he became a problem for another reason.
In the mean time, as an attempt to distract himself from all the overly plushy bullshit, he took the phone off the wall and diled room service. He wasn't paying so he was going to buy whatever sounded good.
So everything.

I'll bring in more people late depending upon what you guys do. Pssst, be proactive so we can get something going again.

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