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Yo dawg here

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Yo dawg here - Page 2 Empty Re: Yo dawg here

Post by contracteryin Tue Mar 17, 2015 5:20 pm

There was little doubt in Alexej's mind at this point that Michael did want him dead. Before coming here he knew that no one here would look friendly, but the massive numbers of the vampires made him even more uneasy. Perhaps even worse, he had been sitting here for five or ten minutes yet Nox hadn't shown up yet.
Almost like clock work, Nox appeared. He was hard to miss with his gold armour. Somewhat ironically, he was almost like a beacon of light in this dark cave. Then again, Lucifer used to be an angel too.
As Nox began to lead Alexej along, the dread from earlier only deepened as he listened to Nox. Remaking the world was nuts. More importantly, if Nox ever wanted him to do anything to help with this revolution, he would be utterly useless. A useless right hand isn't something even this mad man would want.
"All you need to do is watch him," he had said. "You don't need to actually do anything about him yourself. I don't care if whatever they're planning actually follows through. In three weeks time... just tell me how mental he is."
A bead of sweat began to form on his left temple, and he could feel his heart rate picking up the further they moved into this cave. If he said anything, there was no doubt in his mind that words would get caught in his throat or his voice would crack.
The bead of sweat rolled down his cheek just as Nox put his arm around him. Instinctively he pulled his shoulders in closer. He really didn't want Nox touching him, but he already looked too uncomfortable. If he pulled away that would be a dead giveaway something was wrong.
Alexej had been somewhat unsure what to wear, even thinking what he wore really didn't matter. He was currently in a light blue button up shirt with a grey cotton cardigan sweater with a V-neck that ended just above the second highest button of his shirt. His jeans were clearly well worn at the knees, and had begun to fade in colour, pairing them with a pair of black high top converse.
He had begun to space out when Nox led him into the room with the mages. What if Nox found out? What if the vampires could tell he was nervous? Actually, there was no doubt they could tell he was, they would be able to smell it.
Even more importantly, what if Michael got angry at him again? He couldn't afford that by any means. He was already in a position where Michael might make him fall, which was the same as a death sentence. Michael would never let him live after making him fall. Then again, if Nox found him our, or the vampires, they would probably kill him too. Why did he even bother being worried about that anymore?
Once Nox was done snarling at Xue, Alexej started to come back to earth just before Nox asked him if he had any question.
There was a pause as he opened his mouth and then closed it.
Before opening it again he swallowed, attempting to get rid of any shakiness in his throat. "Are you going to want me to do anything in particular?" he asked, his voice cracking near the end. "After all if this is so soon it would probably be best if I didn't. Adding in another variable to something so... meticulously planned might not go well."

Nyyrikki let out a heavy sigh as he took off his suit and stepped into the shower; he couldn't let his scent be too strong, and water would help quell it.
Despite himself, he could feel the knot in his chest getting bigger. He hadn't mentioned much about himself to Grace so he really shouldn't be so flustered, yet here he was. It had taken him close to 18 months to tell Alex anything about his mother or his past. For the most part it didn't bother him anymore, but Grace's implication that he hadn't had any problems with someone wanting his head tweaked more than one nerve.
How could you possible be so stupid, I am a fucking vampire, he thought to himself as he threw on a plain white t-shirt and a black crew neck sweater on top. Anything that would draw attention would be bad. Considering shit may go down he threw on a worn pair of black jeans and hiking boots. There was no reason for the vampires to be in a nice place, wherever in Beijing they happened to be.
With another deep breath he put on a rain jacket, just in case it began to rain in Beijing. Grace had mentioned odd weather after all.
Considering he didn't want Grace to take the phone or something absurd like that, Nyyrikki had messaged Alex to see where her hunter friend thought that hunters would be in Beijing. It was extremely surprising to him they were even in Western China. The large number of people there made this seem like a terrible idea for a myriad of reasons.
It didn't take him too long to find the place. It reeked of vampires. There was another familiar smell, but he couldn't put his finger on what exactly it was. Hopefully he'd find out once he went into the cave.
Kun menee sutta pakoon, tulee karhu vastaan, he muttered to himself before going into the cave.
*When you flee from a wolf, you run into a bear; so basically out of the frying pan and into the fire

Alex frowned when Grace snipped at her. She only asked a question, and she was getting way too defensive.
"I was only asking a question, no need to get your panties in a knot," she began. "I was planning on telling you anyway. I knew him for well over a year before he told me anything, and I would never hear the end of it if I told someone anything personal about him."
She hadn't been expecting Nyyrikki to bring anyone with him, and Grace obviously had something in mind. The weather was rather odd, but it hadn't been anything she or any of the hunters had looked at. If Grace could actually get anything out of it, then that could be of use for everyone.
"I don't know anything about weather, statistics isn't really my thing and I have no gear here for reading weather or whatever you intend on doing. I don't even have a TV for news, though I doubt you'd be looking at that. What do you plan on doing? I have nothing in particular planned today."
As the rain began to get heavier, her phone buzzed.
As she waited for Grace to answer, she responded to Nyyrikki and turned towards her living area. "At the very least, there's no point standing out here under the eve, now is there?"

Just a bit too late, it clicked in Yu's head that Luke was about to run out the door.
"Luke!" she hollered. He just said he wasn't going to run out and try to kill whomever was responsible for Leo's death, and here he was, running out the door after a possible culprit. There was no other reason he would have got up and run out the door in such a hurry.
Within a few moments of Luke running out the door, Yu was hot on his tail. She had thrown on a black shawl that wrapped around her body and held together at her shoulder. It was longer than her dress, and if the shawl got soaked her body wouldn't be as visible as if just her dress got soaked.
The rain was much harder than she thought it would be-- she could barely see more than a few inches in front of her. She was already soaked to the bone, and with each step she grew angrier. How could he be so stupid? She didn't care if he hadn't slept in several days, this was just plain insanity. A drunk could think clearer than this man. Hell, he never acted like a man, he acted like a naïve child and he was going to get himself killed.
"Luke!" Yu called again, much closer to him now, and therefore closer to whomever Luke was after. "I swear to God, if you keep going I am going to kill you after I save your ass from whatever you're going after!" He could attack a mushroom at this point and have his ass kicked.[/i]

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Yo dawg here - Page 2 Empty Re: Yo dawg here

Post by thewerepimp Wed Jul 01, 2015 10:31 pm

Luke sniffed the air, the scent remaining strong despite the terrible weather. However, he soon heard Yu shout and he snapped out of his frenzy. "Yu?" He questioned before smacking himself in the head. "Damn it." He muttered before yelling back. "Yu, I'm sorry. I've been up far too long and at some point my instincts take over and.." The young werewolf would have continued making excuses if it weren't for the metal rod that struck him in the chest and launched his distracted ass into the nearby construction yard, his body smashing against several metal pieces before it actually stopped. "Fuck!" He shouted, feeling several of his ribs broken and countless other bones that were bruised. He went to stand but the same metal pole was bashed against his head, someone swinging it this time instead of throwing it. Luke spat out blood before he was hit again and again. The werewolf coughed up some blood. "Ugh, for fucks sake, stop.." The staff was swung again except this time he caught the other ended and pulled on it, hard. The attackers hadn't been expecting this and started falling forward before the young werewolf kicked him up and over. "Bastard.." He muttered as he slowly stood his feet, quickly reciting the mantras to summon his twin soul blades. "Listen here fucker, I've already had a pretty shit week so if you could let me kill you quickly that might make me smile."

The nameless assassin jumped back to his feet, spinning his staff to keep Luke at bay for the moment. "In truth," he began, pointing his staff towards his victim. "I wouldn't be killing a useless, drunk bastard such as yourself. However you are a Riyaz and that is enough for me." The raindrops splashed against the werewolves face, letting the names less man notice his slight movements and the wild charge that followed. "Don't you have any respect for mourning?" Luke shouted, swinging his blades wildly. The assassin blocked the attacks effortlessly. "I've heard about the murder and would have given you more time if I had any to give." He swung his staff fast and hard, with the werewolf barely being able to block it. "The clan is coming to practically wipe everything off his small country. And before that happens I have to kill the man who has caused me the most pain. The fucking bastard that left me in this cruel, evil world. Once he's dead then I'll be able to face them knowing I have no regrets." The assassin pushed a part on his metal staff, forcing blades to come out. He swung the weapon fast and hard, sometimes changing the attack mid swing.

The werewolf grit his teeth, attempting to read his opponent but the constantly switching styles was fucking with him, not to mention all the damage he's taken. Every strike out of every few swings managed to get him, not doing all that much but it was enough to make it hard to do much. "W...who is the guy you gotta kill?" Luke managed to pant out. The assailant laughed. "You really care?" He asked, toying with his opponent more and more. A sudden kick to the chest sent the young necromancer falling back. "He's kicking your ass." Glarish, his straight sword muttered. "Darling, I'm sure he knows that." His curved blade, Vivienne retorted. "Thanks guys." Luke muttered, trying to figure out a way to win. "You really wish to know the man, no, the bastard that left me with those monsters? Well I'll tell you." The assassin swing again, cutting Luke's cheek a bit and forcing him to his knees. "The man who caused my life to be this cursed mess, the man who forced me into this terrible life, the who left my pregnant mother in the hands of those mother fuckers was none other than Gabriel Riyaz!" During his speech, the blind man had been raising his staff, tears rolling down his cheek and mixing with the rain, and at the end of it he swung down. The werewolf raised his swords and cut through the pole. The severing of his weapon caused the assailant to become unbalanced and allowed Luke to force him back. He quickly stabbed his swords into the ground, muttering in a long dead language, allowing spirits to reach up and grab his opponent trying to tug him down.

With all his might the assassin managed to break free from the spirit hands, swinging the parts of the staff to keep Luke away. The werewolf however tackled him, forcing the two deeper into the construction site. The two of them fought, their weapons clashing loudly as they went about the site. They both attempted to use the environment to their advantage with but neither pulled ahead as they blocked each other's strikes. Pain surged through their bodies as they fought more and more, likely pushing them past their limit. Yet the two determined to continue their struggle, not wanting the other to win for various reasons, the biggest be death. However neither could try to flee, since they both had to fight, had to win.

Gabriel sat in Ian's living room, drinking slightly from his flask, the mood still quite somber from the funeral. "I still don't get why anyone would want to kill that poor kid." His first thought was of course Abraham but he still hoped that the necromancer was dead. Yet, something this horrible seemed like his sort of plan. "Why can't we ever seem to get a long time of peace?" He asked aloud, mostly meaning himself and his family, though Ian probably had his own struggles in life and his own lack of peace. A sudden ringing echoed throughout the city, except it was at a low enough frequency that most people wouldn't be able to hear it. The werewolf jumped to his feet, assuming that one of his children were somehow involve. "Shit." Gabriel muttered. "Ian I might need your help with this..." He then ran out the door into the pouring rain.

Grace sighed, still feeling like shit. Today really was just a crappy day. Then again funerals always seemed to bring the worse out of her. Either way, she didn't want to piss off her boyfriends ex. "Listen, I'm honestly sorry, today has just been a bad day. And yeah I know I'm a jerk and that doesn't excuse it." She blew a part of her hair out of her hair before taking a deep breath and then slowly exhaling. "Yes, you are right, we should find a nice, quiet place so I can read the weather. Hopefully it turns out to be natural and not too dangerous. If it natural and dangerous then I should be able to weaken it. But if it's magical then well, simply put, it's not good."

Nox nodded, agreeing with his ally's train of thought. "True enough my friend, can not ruin a perfectly laid plan such as the one we created. But I will ask you a favor. You must, and I can't not stress this enough, you must watch the horizon to make sure no other force enters the battle. After all another army could be too much. I will have you watch the seas closest to where we do battle. You have to keep whatever forces might come at us are deterred, but an angel such as yourself should have no problems. Right?" He watched the Angels reaction, for once focusing to make sure that his ally would take care of this aspect. But before he could answer one vampire ran up to the two of them. "I'm sorry to interrupt sir but..." The fallen angels hand shoot out, grabbing the soldiers throat. "You dare speak to me worm! I told you all that only Xue may speak to me so! A lowly piece of filth like you can not come close to even talk to me!" The vampire coughed, clearly losing air. "S...sorry but s..some of the men don't b...believe we...we could p...possibly win this... T..they speak of l...leaving or re..rebelling." Nox's eyes widen as he let out a demonic like noise (ironically enough). "How fucking dare those swine!" The fallen angel dragged the vampire out by his throat and flew up straight into the sky. "All of you damnable being, listen to me!" Light sworn out from him as his voice echoed over the land. "Some of you dare question our plans! And for those of you I only have to say this..." He held the man up and forced a ridiculous amount of energy into the vampire he was holding. The poor thing felt an ungodly amount of pain before exploding in a glorious amount of gore. "That is what happens to those who dare question those of a higher statue of them! And for those who still don't believe my power, observe." Nox stretched out his golden hand before snapping his finger. Suddenly a nearby mountain was exploded with beautiful golden energy as if the thing was a holy mountain that could no longer contain it's lava and when it was over nothing remained. "From this day forward, I cast off my old name of darkness and will be know as Salvator, savior of this world and the one who will lead you all down the path to be the champions of this place and every other!" Salvator raised his spear into the sky as holy light enveloped it. The vampires then cheered, whether out of fear of him or genuinely believing what he said. Either way, the fallen angel didn't care, he only care about remaking this world into a better imagine, his imagine.


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Yo dawg here - Page 2 Empty Re: Yo dawg here

Post by contracteryin Wed Jul 22, 2015 1:49 am

You fucking idiot! Yu thought as she continued to sprint after Luke. I already know where you are, calling back is just going to get you killed. Considering his little excuse had been cut short, she wouldn’t have been too surprised if that had been the outcome. He was exhausted. He wouldn’t stand a chance against a toddler in his condition.
The aura flooding out of the other individual was interesting. It reminded Yu of Luke, and yet at the same time it was far different than his. In the end the similarity didn’t matter: making sure Luke’s dumb ass wouldn’t be lying alongside Leo in the morning was far more important.
Yu’s anger only increased as she approached the scene. The two of them were so sloppy. It was almost as if the attacker was leaking masculinity. He was clearly trying to kill Luke, but why? To prove he was better?
She decided to slip into the kids head.
The results gave her mixed feelings, but she wasn’t going to intervene there. It would be all up to this kid to convince the rest of the group to not kill him.
“Stop it!” She screamed at the top of her lungs. Before their blades could collide once more Yu used her mind to fling the two men away from each other and pinned them against some of the beams nearby.
She ignored the other man no matter how much he struggled and approached Luke. She wasn’t sure how well he could see her, but she wouldn’t be surprised in the least if practically everything could be seen through her soaked clothes.
She didn’t care. Once she was done with him he wouldn’t even remember.
“You are so fucking stupid!” She yelled at him and increased the pressure holding the two against their beams. “You haven’t sleep in forever and you’re out here fighting some random ass hole? Look at you, you’ve had your ass beaten. If I hadn’t followed along you would be dead soon. Daddy might’ve come to save you, but who’s to say he would have been successful? Then how would you feel?” She paused and took in a deep breath, closed her eyes and tried to relax a little.
It didn’t help much, but she stopped screaming. Instead her voice turned into a hiss. “I swear to God, if you ever do this again I will cut you balls off with a spork and feed them to you. Do you understand? You act like a little kid being this rash. You expect people to respect you this way? Only someone with half a brain would do that. Grow the fuck up and take some self-responsibility and take care of yourself. If not for you, do it for those you love.”

At roughly the same time Yu was done lecturing Luke, Ian and Gabriel showed up at the scene. Despite the rain Ian could see the unknown person struggling against whatever invisible wall had to be holding him up. He had heard every word Yu screamed, so it was no doubt her work.
“Well I guess at least she got here in time,” Ian whispered to Gabriel. “Any idea who he is?” Ian gestured towards the unknown figure.
“I really hope it isn’t magical then,” Alex said and ran a hand through her hair. “Who the hell would want to make a magical hurricane anyway? That just seems so… impractical. Granted I don’t know much about magic, but a magical hurricane also sounds like it would be hard to execute beyond a few seconds.” She paused and looked back outside. “Unless you really want to move in that weather, here is fairly quiet. If this doesn’t work I know a few other places. It’s up to you.”

Alexej internally cringed at Nox—er Salvator’s request. There was absolutely no way he would be able to complete such a task. One minor demon would give Alexej trouble. Depending on the situation a human would give him trouble. He swallowed hard at the thought of a hoard of anything attacking him from the sea.
He was extremely thankful when the vampire distracted him. The thankfulness died along with the vampire. Had the vampire not shown up that could’ve been him. He closed his eyes as the mountain exploded and a rock formed in his stomach. This guy was nuts and likely just killed a lot of people.
If it made Salvator feel any better, Alexej certainly wasn’t going to question him. He was so far out of Alexej’s league that he wouldn’t even be able to put a finger on him. When the vampires began to cheer Alexej couldn’t find his voice. It was caught in his throat.
Michael had sent him here to die.

Nyyrikki gaped at what he just saw. It would be impossible to count all the vampires he saw. But in reality he didn’t care about the vampires. While they were large in number, they were low in strength. He, his dad, and Ian could plow through them. Gabriel, Yu, and Ha would only add to the plowing.
The angel, dare Nyyrikki call him that considering he seemed far more demonic, was the problem. He was clearly drunk on power, but understandably so. Nyyrikki could only assume what the exploding noise was, but that was insignificant. This man had just unnecessarily killed god knows how many innocent people. His attack on Japan would on increase that number.
Yet, he was powerless to stop it. There was absolutely nothing he could hope to do, not here. Yu would be the only one who could do anything against this man. Ha was strong, but Yu had received the better genes. He and his father were strong, but they couldn’t blow up mountains.
The angels companion seemed harmless, surprisingly, so Nyyrikki paid little attention to him. While he looked familiar the important thing now was getting back to Grace and everyone else.
I don’t think we can really prepare for this, but a forewarning is helpful if nothing else, Nyyrikki thought and headed back with Japan as quickly as he could.

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Yo dawg here - Page 2 Empty Re: Yo dawg here

Post by thewerepimp Mon Jul 27, 2015 4:34 pm

Luke looked over for a split second as he heard Yu yell and then he was forced back by some force. In mere moments he went from fighting to being binned to one of the pillars of this construction site. For a moment or two he struggled, but he quickly realized it was useless, especially considering he was way to drained from the past few days and the recent fighting. Of course he was also focusing on Yu very nice wet figure. Damn it, he thought, even when he was tired and beaten up he still had his hormones taking over his thoughts. The werewolf gasped a bit as the pressure increased but he didn't actually feel pain until the demon started speaking. Christ she had a sharp tongue. Luke lowered his eyes, looking rather down. "I...I'm sorry Yu. You are right, I shouldn't have done that and yes it's stupid." He sighed, whatever blood haze he must have been completely fading. Her threat didn't faze him as much as her words. It's true that he always acted first and thought second but... No he had to stop that. Yu was right. Luke had to grow up or he would end up dead.

Gabriel nodded along with Ian's statement but was much more focused with the unknown man. Something about him seemed familiar but he couldn't put his finger on it. The man struggled against his bonds, clearly angry and seemed to have gotten angrier only as Gabriel came closer. As the werewolf focused more on man, he kept reminding him of someone but the thoughts couldn't connect. And yet, he had to question. "Mai?" He asked to no one in particular and that was apparently the last straw.

The bonds that held him were tight, so he continued to struggle against what confined him as it slowly but surely got weaker, all the while barely keeping the beast inside him under control as the man he hated most watched him. And then that bastard dare speak the name of the woman he left! The assassin had had enough. He bit hard into his lip to keep quiet as his bones stretched and moved in the worst way. Fur slowly begin to cover his skin as it broke through his skin. His clothes were ripped apart as he became longer, taller, and more monstrous. His jaw stretched a bit while his teeth sharper and grew into ridiculous crushing machines. His ears changed to be more bat like in appearance, his corrupt vampiric blood finally showing its way into this very werewolf like transformation. His body finally stopped growing, just as the last parts were coming out of his back. In all, this form was much more lanky than a usual werewolf form, it's muscle mass being smaller than average. But it wasn't weak. Using all it's strange, the beast managed to shatter its bonds. It moved at unparalleled speeds as he tackled Gabriel off the side of the building. As they fell, Gabriel too shocked to react, the things bat like wings unfurled themselves and it flew away, letting out some ungodly noise that was both a mixture of a wolfs howl and a bats screech.

Luke's eyes widen as he saw the monster that was the assassin take his father off the several story building. Using all the strength he had left, he tried commanding his sprit blades to chase after the thing. However after the battling and strain that his body had been under, this was too much. The gun shot from awhile ago broke open as the magic flowed through him. He gasped, blood flying from his mother and out this big, fresh wound. "No.." He coughed as blood coated his mouth and clothes. "Y..you can't take my father from me t..too." The young werewolf tried roaring the last part, hoping it'd help. Yet, despite that his eyes closed shut as he hung his head, the weapons he sent out faded back to where they came from.

Grace looked up at Alex, a soft smile appearing on her face, making her look surprisingly tired. "The storm it self isn't magic, but magic is being used to gather it and force it to hit Japan. Why that all is I couldn't tell you and it's either too big or too far away for me to stop it." The half elf sighed and rubbed her eyes, quietly wondering how her brother had managed to stay up for days when she was feeling wiped after simply feeling out the storm. "If I had to guess," she continued, "I'd say that they are going to try to speed to up but keep it looking natural since, well, a hurricane made of pure dark or arcane energies would have a much easier time at destroying the land." She cracked her neck, trying to get some of the stiffness out of her neck. "Don't worry, this place is fine for what I had to do. I just hope Nyyrikki doesn't get hurt cause of that rumor you told him. He's strong, but even he couldn't take on a massive vampire army."

Salvator landed on the ground, looking at the blood that sadly clung to his armor. For now, the blood would make a good reminder for those who dare questioned him, later he'd clean it. Xue walked towards the demon in the guise of an angel he had recruited. It was time to get the attack underway so that they could use this abomination strength before it's madness consumed it. The vampire was scared to his very core, knowing he was nothing to this god like entity in front of him and silently cursing ever accepting this god forsaken bargain. "N.. Salvator, sire, may I recommend starting this attack sooner rather than later. We can get the storm there by the next dawn if we push our magic users." The fallen angel smiled at the thought. "Yes, yes, that'll work nicely. Especially considering that we can't let the spy give them too much of a head start." The leader of the vampires eyes widen. "Spy!?" You can't be..." "You dare question me?" Salvator asked as pointed his spear in his vampire ally's face. "N...no sire..." Xue muttered after taking a gulp. He then quickly started calling his troops to start looking for this spy. The fallen angel meanwhile put his arm around his angel friend. "Ah Alexj, am I glad to have someone who understands on this world should work, and would should be at the top."

Gabriel struggled in the being grip, it's blade like claws digging into his flesh. After a minute or two of flight, the assassin crashed the werewolf into a nearby rooftop, before throwing him aside. "You." It spoke it a voice that sounded like a gargle of rocks and ask, every symbol seeming to be on the verge of another yell. "You are the reason I'm this! It's all your fault that my life has turned out this way! If you had never left my mother then this wouldn't have happened to me!" The thing still lacked eyes, which became more clear as he didn't watch Gabriel and by the fact that whatever cloth had once covered it had been tore apart. The creature got into its father face, in a position that would make it seem as if they were staring into each other eyes. "In the end it's your fault I was beaten. It's your damn fault that they ripped out my eyes before my fifth winter had even passed! It's your mother fucking fault that over wanted my miserable existence to end everyday since after my birth!" It roared at the end before grabbing Gabriel by the collar and lifting him into the air, one hand free to cut him to pieces. "Do you have no words to defend yourself, you failure as a father!" It screamed as rain rolled down its monstrous cheeks, either looking like or mixing with his tears.

Gabriel couldn't look at the son he had just learned of, shame filling every fiber of his being. "I'm so sorry." He spoke in a whisper, openly crying as he felt for his unknown child. "I wish I knew. So much do I wish I knew. If I knew Mai had lived.." "Don't speak that name you filth!" The monster roared at him. The werewolf flinched, not out of fear but out of the pain he heard in his sons voice. "Truthfully, I know apologizing and wishing that things were different doesn't make you feel any better. I know that but still it's true. However, I am willing to die if it makes you feel better." Gabriel grabbed the wrist that was holding him, steadying himself and to at least touch his son once before he die. "I'm ready." He said looking up at the sky. "Just, please don't be angry with your siblings, they knew nothing and aren't responsible at all." The old werewolf closed his eyes ready for the end. Meanwhile the beast was confused. What he had heard before was that his father was an uncaring bastard who raped his mother yet he could easily feel remorse and resolve from this man. He truly was willing to do whatever for his kids, no matter what it cost him. Without realizing it, his angry had disappeared and he changed back, still holding his father as he fell to his knees, tears flowing from his eye sockets. Gabriel slowly embraced his son, his own tears rolling down his cheeks as he held the son he never knew he had and wished he could have been there for. The son cry into the fathers chest, whispering one word, "Father..."


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Yo dawg here - Page 2 Empty Re: Yo dawg here

Post by contracteryin Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:48 pm

"Quite the little set up you have here, it's rather impressive... even if your ego is rather inflated," a monotone voice said from above Salvatar. A man with pale white skin and red eyes was laying on one of the ledges. He was on his left side, his head propped up against one of his hands, as well as a leg dangling off the edge. His hair was black and seemed to blend in with the rock.
"You don't really think this is going to work, do you pretty boy? Sure... you have almost the power of a god with that armor of yours, but if you abuse it you'll catch the attention of those above you." He closed his eyes, took in a deep breath and sighed heavily.
He did not open his eyes.
"Anyway, there is someone on that little island I'm not fond of. In fact, fuck Japan. If the island sank I wouldn't be disappointed. I have ill faith in your forces alone, and I would never dare attack a whole island myself. Therefore, I'd be willing to assist. Not under your command of course... but this way we won't needlessly kill our own."
He opened his eyes and smiled. His canines were rather sharp while the rest of his teeth seemed fairly human. "Seem like a good deal?"

Fan-fucking-tastic, Alexej thought as he looked up at the man above them. How long had he been there, and what spy was Salvator talking about? If there had been one, why hadn't he just killed him or her?
Well, I'm technically a spy but I haven't been caught yet, Alexej looked over to the vampire. Could they smell fear? Uncertainty? Dread? Anything? If so then perhaps he was dead as soon as he had walked in the door. Hell, who was he kidding. He was dead, there was no way he was going to walk out of this unscathed. Salvator would see his weaknesses as soon as the hurricane ensued.
Hopefully Michael would be happy. He was going to get what he wanted.
Alexej looked back up at the man. He didn't look familiar, but he was definitely a demon. He was clearly not afraid of Salvator considering he marched right on in. Did that mean he couldn't die or..."
He shook his head and sighed. None of that mattered. He had nothing to do with this man, so he wasn't going to worry about it.

The moment that the strange man turned and attacked Gabriel, Ian pulled a knife out of his pocket and dashed for the edge of the roof. He wasn't going to let whoever this was kill Gabriel. At least... not in front of Luke. Unconscious or not, Luke was not in the state of mine to deal with something like this right now.
His feet met the side of the building, he crouched the jump and was met with a kick to the chin. He stumbled back and almost lost his balance.
What the hell? he thought as he settled and eyed the edge of the building. A young woman, clearly some sort of demon, climbed over the edge. She had blonde hair tied up in curly pigtails. She had mocha colored skin, complimented by a white splatter paint shirt and a purple tutu. As if that wasn't enough, she had on a pair of hipster glasses without any lenses.
"It's so nice to meet you," she said with a smile and made a heart with her hands. "I've heard so much about you Ian-chan. Had I not caught you by surprise I'd probably never be able to touch that smooth skin of yours."
Ian said nothing and kept his eyes on the woman before him.
"Sorry about the kick to the face but... I need to talk to you and whats going on with your friend is less important. If he's worth two cents he'll be able to handle that half breed." She crossed her legs, followed by her arms in front of her and began to sway.
Ian didn't have time for this. He looked back behind the girl. Whatever was going on wasn't particularly clear, but Gabriel seemed fine.
The sky opened up and Ian returned his attention to the woman before him. "What do you want?"
"All I want is to let you know that there is a hurricane on the way, a magical one. Soon, we might be able to fight! And oh... oh that will be so sweet, don't you think Ian-chan?"
Ian didn't know who this woman was, let alone why she wanted to fight him. More importantly, who would send out a magical hurricane, and who would want him dead?
He verbalized his thoughts.
"You'll just have to wait and see!" She giggled whilst making a heart with her hands once more, and then disappeared.

"She was interesting," Yu said as she picked Luke up. "Gabriel will be fine, look at them." She gestured towards the pair with her chin. "In the meantime I'm going to bring Luke back. He's lost a lot of blood and well... he needs to sleep. Which room is his?"

"The one next to mine," Ian said, not taking his eyes off of where the girl had just been. "What do you think she means?"

"I think she means you messed up at some point, and someone is coming back to get you. Typical movie stuff really. Either the bad guy or good guy stays alive. She is a demon after all, and as a hunter you know we don't always die when you kill us here. We only need to be summoned again, and voila." Yu adjusted Luke on her shoulder. "I'll see you soon."

Ian teleoprted himself over to the pair. They seemed to be better now. "Are you two... okay?" He asked, keeping enough distance to be comfortable. He couldn't tell if they were crying or not.

"Bad news guys," Nyyrikki said as he entered the room, interrupting the girls conversation. "Some nutjob angel, who is really a demon I'm fairly certain, got ahold of some pretty schnazzy armor. You'll hear about a mountain that blew up in China on the news, that was him. He has this whole entire army of vampires-- thousands of them-- under his thumb. They're the ones sending the hurricane and..." he took in a breath. "We're fucked."

Alex looked between the two.
"Well... considering Grace did say magic was propelling the hurricane I can't say I'm too surprised." She took a seat and sighed. "The European sect of hunters, at least England anyway, is most likely on its way here considering China told us that the vampires are up to some fishy business. I sincerely think that they are in need of someone who is more competent to be in charge. We really are screwed, especially you, Ian, and your father."

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Yo dawg here - Page 2 Empty Re: Yo dawg here

Post by thewerepimp Mon Aug 24, 2015 8:57 pm

Gabriel rubbed his son back, waiting until he stop crying, while trying to hold back his own tears. If only he had known he had a son across the world years ago, the werewolf would have come and fought tooth and nail to save his boy. Eventually the ex assassin stop crying and wipe the tears off his cheeks. The hybrid took a deep breath to calm himself before slowly standing up. He turned towards Ian, saying, "I have been mistaken much of my life it seems. But it matters little in the grand scheme of things. I must now confront those that lied to me and give the rest of you some time to flee from these lands to safety." He then bowed swiftly and turned towards the general direction of the ocean and headed that direction. It was at this time that the recent events all hit him, and he almost fell over, whatever energy he had vanishing after the fights and the transformation.

The father grabbed his son, maybe a bit too roughly. "Wait what are you talking about? You can't be taking on an entire force by yourself!" The son pulled away. "I have no reason to live, so I might as well put what I have left to go use." "You have us!" Gabriel said, not willing to lose the son he just met. "You have a family now and you always will. So please, as your father, I beg of you, don't die just when you found what you've always wanted." The blind man paced before turning towards the werewolf, trying to make some sort of eye contact even with the lack of eyes. "What do you even know about what I want? Huh? We literally just met for the first time!" The older man sighed and put his hand on his sons shoulder. "I know because your a Riyaz, and a Riyaz loves their family, putting them above all else." Gabriel finished his sentence with a soft, comforting smile. The hybrid hung his head, wondering if what his father said was true for his family. It was true that he had always wanted s family to call him own but would the others accept him, especially after what he's done?

Gabriel turned to Ian finally, having been pre occupied to react to his friend. "Yeah we are fine. Remember back in China when I was still with Mai? Well before she was murdered she had our child here." He gestured toward his son who looked up at the mention of his long dead mother. "Before you ask she never managed to name me before her... passing." The man rubbed his face. "They called me Blind Mutt and other lovely names." He then spit towards the ground, off the roof, in disgust. "Faolin." Gabriel said directly at his son. "Faolin?" He asked, completely confused. The werewolf father nodded. "Yes, that is what we were planning on naming our first born, if they were a guy of course. Mai and I decided that we would name our child on one of our parents, with a son being named after my father. So, if you wouldn't mind son, I'd be honored if you took your grandfathers name." The newly named Faolin smiled a bit, happy to finally have a real name. "It'd be an honor, father."

Grace listened to Nyyrikki and sighed. "I wonder if it's Nox?" She asked aloud before hugging her vampire lover. "I'm just glad you are ok. We will be able to make it though this. After all you just happen to be with probably the strongest weather Mage around!" The half elf winked at her boyfriend before quickly whispering in his ear. "Listen Nyyrikki, I'm sorry for being an asshole before. I shouldn't have been so rude and I should have known better. So I'm sorry baby and after all this is done we can talk about I fucked up, ok?" She the finishes with a quick kiss to his cheek. "On a different note, Alex, do you think there will be a massive amount of hunters rushing Japan once they finally find out about this big ass army of vampires? Cause if they do I hope it's not the seemingly useless Chinese hunters. After all they let this group get as big as they have."

Salvator approached the intruder, standing in a way to look the man in his eyes, whenever he opened his eyes. "I don't believe you understand, friend. Very little is still above me, and that which is, is just a pale intimidation of justice or power. They are fool who deserves the death that I will reap upon them. But enough about me, you said you had someone you wished to kill and I am not cruel enough to not allow another being their justice." The fallen angel had a smile upon his face but his eyes were still just as dark and soulless. This unholy abomination should thank his lucky stair that I even let him stand before me. If I didn't need more forces this thing would be little more than a burn mark on the ground. Sadly this is not the world we live in. "Listen, friend, I would be humbled if you would help up us take over Japan." He created a small golden sphere in his hand. "Can you please take this as a sign of our friendship? It will leave a small golden mark on your wrist so that I may make sure to not harm you during the conflict." And also allow me to kill you once you stop proving useful, the angel thought. His grin turned slightly sinister as he watched to get if the man would take his little "gift".


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Yo dawg here - Page 2 Empty Re: Yo dawg here

Post by contracteryin Mon Oct 12, 2015 8:25 pm


No matter how many times Luke tried to explain how you stayed under control as a werewolf, Nyyrikki had a hard time really trying to apply it to himself as a vampire. Sure, sometimes in the past, and even now, it was a bit hard to resist someone that smelt very nice, but that still wasn't comparable to turning into a werewolf.
"Are you sure he's ready?" Nyyrikki asked, wanting to trust Luke's judgement, yet at the same time Nyyrikki wasn't sure. Eric was still as wild as he was a few years ago.
He looked outside the building where Eric stood speaking to Alex and Grace. "I do believe you when you say that he's ready but..." he sighed a little bit. "I hate being an adult man, it really sucks. Add parent into the sentence and it's really stressful. I want what is best for him but a lot of the time I don't know. Sometimes I think I'm a real shit dad too. Alex and Grace joke about that sometimes but I'm not sure if they're right or not."
Nyyrikki really had no reason to be saying any of this but it was what was on his mind, and he was pretty sure that Luke was going to take this seriously, much unlike every other time they interacted. "I know Emmett is a bit worried too."

Alex was happy to see that Eric was excited to come back home. Yet, she couldn't help but have some of the same concerns as she did with him in the past. He still didn't have many friends, his hair was wild as ever, and it seemed like he still couldn't sit still for more than a minute or two. None of these were inherently bad per-say, but they needed to be approached sooner than later.
"Once your dad gets out we'll leave," Alex said. "I'm not sure what Emmett is up to but he wasn't at your grandfathers yet when we left. He was on his way up from our house in Helsinki with his girlfriend. The rest of the family is there or at least nearby." She hugged Eric. "Glad to be coming back home?"

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Yo dawg here - Page 2 Empty Re: Yo dawg here

Post by thewerepimp Mon Oct 12, 2015 10:29 pm

Luke patted Nyyrikki on his back. "Come on man, I'm like you best expert on werewolves I wouldn't steer my family wrong. Please don't worry bout it, if I say he's fine he's fine." The young werewolf smiled a bit, feeling for his sisters family. Of course he had no real idea how being a father really was like. Granted sorta raising Eric had taught him some things but he was much more teacher than father. Honestly he wondered how he might be as a father, maybe he'd be good but he'd be so busy. Either way he wouldn't bring up with Lupe. That woman wanted a kid too much. "Why do you think I don't have a kid Nyyrikki?" Luke laughed lightly. "I run a clan but I'm not responsible to raise a kid. Still you aren't a shit dad. You would have been if you didn't come to see him as much as you did." The werewolf leader looked around a bit. "Hm, if Emmett was that worried wouldn't he have come? Eh whatever I'm sure he has his reasons."

Eric hugged Alex back, bittersweet about coming home. Sure he loved his family but he also loved the freedom he got here. Then again there were some big reasons he wanted to leave. He pulled back, making sure to smile so people wouldn't notice what he was thinking. "Oh I understand Alex." He rubbed a hand through his crazy blonde hair, trying to calm it but it failed almost instantly. He was about to say something before his mom hugged him tight, picking him up. "Oh I've missed you my little boy!" Grace said, smiling stupidly wide. Eric mumbled into his mother chest, probably saying something rude. After a few moments he was able to struggle himself out. "Damn it mom, I'm not a kid any more." He said, being forced to look up to his somewhat tall mom. Grace chuckled a bit and patted his head. "Shush you will always be my little boy and don't you ever forget that." The teenager grumbled and Grace leaned in, a tight smiled formed in her face. "Did you hear me son?" Eric grumbled. "Y..yes ma'am." The half elf smiled more normally. "Good."

Grace was extremely worried, wondering how her boy would deal with the werewolf urges. She knew from watching her brother deal with it. Sure, Luke said that Eric was having an easier then most other werewolves but that worried her more since Eric was the type to attempt to get away with things. The mother tried hiding her stress granted it was even harder since she was hiding something else. Carefully she rubbed her stomach feeling as if there was another kid on the way but she didn't want to tell her lovers yet, to be safe. It's not that she didn't trust it's just that it was better to be safe than sorry especially where babies were involved.


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Yo dawg here - Page 2 Empty Re: Yo dawg here

Post by contracteryin Sat Oct 17, 2015 1:42 pm

Nyyrikki snickered, taking the opprotunity that Luke gave him. "I think you don't have any kids because you never get laid." He lightly punched Luke's shoulder. "But I guess. I still feel like I'm not all that great. Like you I think that I fuck around a little too much. Knowing that Emmett and Eric like that makes me feel a bit better, but at the same time eh... I don't know where I'm going with this anymore. I really am worrying too much." Nyyrikki took in a deep breath and readjusted his attention out to Eric and the girls outside. "Welp, I guess I should get going. Emmett would be here if he hadn't been on the opposite side of the country when I left. It's not like we've been here that long, he'll see Eric soon."
Nyyrikki parted with Luke with a smile and stepped outside.
"I'm not a kid anymore," was the first thing that Nyyrikki heard upon exiting the building.
He had to take the opprotunity again.
"Eric, you will always be our baby no matter how old you get. Your grandfather still considerd me his baby since I am his kid, though time has made us practically the same age. Plus, I am the worst example of an adult ever so you most certainly still are a kid." He tightly embraced Eric again, also picking him up. "And you certainly did not get me or your moms genes in terms of height."

"So, who are you most excited to see?" Alex asked Eric while watching Nyyrikki pick him up. He really hadn't changed much since they dropped him off. He was still small and full of energy. There was more than enough potential for this to cause a problem when he began to attend school again. Even more so than that, it could cause trouble at home as well depending on how much control he had really gained over himself since his began to stay. Alex trusted Luke, but she wasn't sure how much she trusted Eric's integrity.

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Yo dawg here - Page 2 Empty Re: Yo dawg here

Post by thewerepimp Tue Oct 20, 2015 9:33 pm

Luke rolled his eyes at Nyyrikki comment, hoping the old ass vampire was joking since that was one of the few things the werewolf did not need help with. He then nodded along with his brother in laws words. "Yeah yeah, have a nice trip and tell Emmett I said hi." He looked down, getting back to his study of some of the older clans that still resisted working with the Riyaz clan. "Oh yeah, I asked Lupa to go with you, if you don't mind. It'll be good to have someone who knows how to werewolf nearby invade anything happens and I can't go since I have to help Faolin out with the council bull shit." When Luke looked up Nyyrikki was long gone and dealing with his family. "Ah whatever, I'm sure he'll deal with her fine. I mean probably. Maybe..."

"Dad I think that's because even Luke is more mature then you." Eric said as his massive father picked him up. "A...and I'm sure I'll grow sooner or later." He mumbled to Nyyrikki mean comment. Sure he wasn't that tall but soon he'd grow, right? He couldn't stay this short forever, right? The young werewolf turned to his second mom. "Um I guess Grandpa since I haven't seen him in like forever. Of course I wanna see Emmett to but I see him all the time. There again there is my little sibling who stole my title of the cute little sibling." He rambled on without really saying who he wanted to see the most, slightly afraid that he might make anyone jealous but also not really sure who he wanted to see the most.

Lupa hefted up her massive suitcase with ease as she approached the second story window. A quick cracking of her neck and the werewolf was jumping through the air. She landed with a surprising amount of grace given the suitcase. She walked towards her sister in laws family, her average chest bouncing and her sizable hips swaying with each step, giving off an aura of confidence. She wasn't wearing that much clothes, sure it was enough to cover up what needed to be but it definitely wasn't enough for the outside world. Once she was in front of the family, she dropped her suitcase, causing the ground to shake slightly and smiled at them, her one gold tooth shining despite not being in the front of her mouth. "Hope it's fine if I tag along, I've never been to Finland or at least not for any real amount of time and thought it'd be nice to see the sights." In truth she was here to watch over Eric since most of them don't, as Luke put it, "how to werewolf".

Grace watched Lupa has she walked, checking out her taut muscles and thinking that her brother was a lucky man, of course she was just as lucky of a woman for her lovers, but it was nice to see that she wasn't the only one to get the Riyaz charm. The Mexican werewolf placed her massive stuff, asking if she could stay with them for awhile for some fake reason since she was, very likely, only coming with to watch over Eric in case the rest of them didn't know what to do. The female wolf nervous rubbed a hand through her very short hair. The half elf sighed and approached her practically sister in law. "You do realize that Finland is cold right? Like below freezing is a normal day up there and your dressed like your going to the beach." "It can't be that cold..." Lupa tried arguing but Grace shot her down. "No your right, it's usually colder so please put on at least something more." The werewolf sighed and started digging through her luggage, probably figuring that arguing with his lovers sister was not a good idea. The luggage was extremely messy but that didn't seem to bother her. Personally, Grace was surprised at how much of Luke's clothes she had taken with. It still amazed her how close the two had become given that she had first come her to the clan as a last resort against her own old clan. And yet now, as Lupa pulled on Luke's sweatshirt and some tight pants, the half elf couldn't help but be surprised at how fair it's gone from that somewhat negative and destructive point. The Latino woman pulled on some tight pants and looked at Grace. "This good enough now?" She sighed. "It'll have to do, just try not to freeze your big ass off."

"The damn Riyaz are trying to take us all over!" Yelled the werewolf representative from Siberia. Faolin sighed, listening to his repetitive arguments. He pushed up his large black glasses before fixing his dark suit and green tie (or at least he was told that those were the colors). For the past couple of hours or so the blind man along with the council members had listened to this mans bull shit. There were at least five members there out of the however many sitting members there actually were. One of them was a former guardian and leader of the councils main forces, a man by the name of Alexander York but he always went by his title these days which was Protecter Supreme. Next to him, on the fair end was Master Adlerflügel, the vampire head off Germany who came into power with the fall of Hitler. There also were two werewolf "experts" who had apparent studied the species for years but also wouldn't be biased like some of the normal werewolf representatives might be. Finally there was the so called head of the council, Madam Berta Grimstone, one of the oldest magic casters in the world and said to be one of the main driving forces behind the formation of the council. And in front of all this great people, this man just kept bitching. Faolin tried to pay attention to the vast sea of words pouring from the man's mouth but it was hard to pay attention to this endless stream. Not able to take it much longer, he cleared his throat while fixing his pendant of the Riyaz clan, it was the design of a big wolf standing in front of many smaller ones, prepared to protect the them no matter what. The clan leader looked at the hybrid. "The fuck are you doing mutt?" He questioned, quickly growing more hostile than necessary and fulfilling stereotypes. Faolin sighed. "I was hoping this would be a discussion and not a bitch feast." The werewolf reached for his sword but the guards at the door seemed to deter him. "You keep complaining about how my little brother is attempting to rule over all of the werewolves but anyone with half brain would be able to see that all we are doing is creating a defensive pact among our race so that the slaughter of the past never happens again, something that you and the rest of the older werewolves never did anything to even attempt to stop. Especially when you consider that this has been going on since the first destruction of my clan, that my father lived through mind you, back during the Black Plague." As he spoke, the hybrid made sure to keep his voice calm and monotone, even while the clan leaders face contorted with anger. Before he could yell at him however, Madam Grimstone spoke. "I have to agree." Her raspy voice said as she slowly rose to her feet, using a cane to balance. "I suggest we discuss further at a different time, however since it is important to see how many others feel as you do, representative." The man bit back his tongue but bowed. "As you say." He then stormed out in a huff. Faolin bowed to the council members. "Thank you for looking into this matter further." They all nodded or showed that they appreciated his statement and the blind man left as well, hoping for the best but expecting the worse.


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Yo dawg here - Page 2 Empty Re: Yo dawg here

Post by contracteryin Fri Dec 18, 2015 10:02 am

"Pfffft, Luke is hardly more mature than I am," Nyyrikki said as he put Eric down. "Since he's supposed to be your teacher he has to act mature, but trust me, he really isn't" Nyyrikki wasn't any better /most/ of the time, but if something very important came up, either one of them could seem like a different person.
None of that was particularly important at the moment, especially once Lupa showed up. Try as he may, Nyyrikki still did not understand this woman. She certainly had child bearing hips, but the way he breasts worked at times, she had to have cast anime-boob physics onto them. Boobs just weren't supposed to move that way.
He shook his head as Grace began to talk. "Yeah, Finland... it's not like Ireland and England where the weather is always mild and constantly rainy. The rain is still there but 3/4ths of the year it's snow. It's not quite as bad in Helsinki, but Eric and Emmett spend a lot of time up north in Sodankylä."

"Before we go, Eric are you all ready? Phone, keys, wallet, your toothbrush, boxers, socks, charger, pillows, hopefully you didn't forget any of those this time," Alex said, not paying too much attention to the rest of what was going on. If Lupa became too cold in Finland due to beach clothing that would be her own fault."

"If he forgot anything we can come back and get it later," Nyyrikki said. "It's not like it takes long to get here or back. If you guys are ready then we can leave."


Suru could've tagged along to pick Eric up, but Eveliina was not happy today. He had been doing everything in his power to make her stop crying, but it was just not happening. She wasn't hungry, she wasn't cold, she didn't feel like falling asleep, she didn't need a change... she just kept on crying her eyes out.
He let out a small sigh as he continued to pace the library and bounce her up and down. Eventually she'd tire of crying and just go to sleep. He really didn't mind, Nyyrikki was a much fussier baby, but all the same he knew that the squad would be back soon with Eric. A crying baby in the background was never a great way to start off coming back home.
Now that he thought of it, he hadn't seen Emmett in a few hours either. He had come with his girlfriend. They probably weren't around since Eve was crying, but there was a chance that wasn't the case.

That was only part of the reason. While they hadn't really intended on it, the two of them were starting to get heated in Emmett's room. No clothing had been taken off yet, but at this point each of them knew every part of their partners body like the back of their own hand. Both of them had lost the concept of time, so the fact that the rest of the family was going to be back soon hadn't crossed either of their minds yet.

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Yo dawg here - Page 2 Empty Re: Yo dawg here

Post by thewerepimp Wed Dec 23, 2015 10:07 pm

Faolin was escorted out of the council building by the Council's supreme guards, not that he needed it even if he was blind. Once he was outside he adjusted the sun glasses, wishing he had wrapped around his eyes instead. Something about the glasses always bugged him but he needed to wear them since more people seemed more comfortable around him this way. Sighing the hybrid pulled his phone out of his pocket and flipped it open. He traced his thumb over numbers before finding the right one and speed dialing someone. "Hey Michael, I'm done with the council crap and was um wondering if I could see you soonish. Of course if you don't want to that's fine, I'm just throwing it out there cause I have some free time now and..." Faolin bit his lip, trying to keep himself from nervously rambling, something he only seemed to do when he was talking to or around Michael. "So um yeah..." He gulped feeling incredibly awkward and having no way to fix that.
(If we aren't shipping Michael and Faolin anymore then forget this.)

Lupa shrugged. "Eh I'll be fine. And if I do get too cold I can probably steal clothes from someone else easily enough." Grace flicked the werewolf on her nose. "You aren't taking any of my clothes you freaking sl.... um dog." Lupa rubbed her nose, growling at the half elf, who in turn stuck her new house guest.

Eric, much like Alex did, decided to ignore his other parents and Lupa. "Yes Mom, I have everything or at least I'm pretty sure I have everything." The young one took one last look around, still sad by the fact that almost showed up to say goodbye. Maybe they never really thought of him as a member of the clan in full. And his so called friends were probably off in some corner, enjoying the fact that he wouldn't be there to disrupt their newfound fun. He grit his teeth in anger, wanting nothing more than to find those punks and... Eric felt himself nearing the edge. He knew if he continued down this train of thought the beast would come out. He took several deep breathes, calming himself. In truth that whole thing took only a few moments but he still hoped no one notice him almost break just as his trading had finished. "Um yeah, I'm ready to go. It'll be nice to be back home again."


Abraham Junior moved throughout the jungle cave that was deep within the Amazon. He had been searching for this place for years, a place with such a strong connection to the after life that it could make up for even his weak magic. A creepy grin was plastered on his face ever since he had found this place. Honestly he had stopped eating, stopped bathing, stopped doing anything but use all his resources to find this place. "This is it! This is it!" He laughed like a mad man. Quartz grunted, moving around the rumble behind him. "You said that about the last one too." "But this time I'm right." He yelled back, moving farther ahead of his sister and his brother, Shodyo the silent giant. Out of nowhere he stepped on a trap and the necromancer fell through the floor. After several moments of falling, Jr. collapsed on the floor, feeling all the exhaustion finally catch up to him. "Damn it." But there it was in front of him, the mirror that let the living bring forth the dead if they were willing to pay the price. Quickly A.J. started drawing the symbols to summon his long dead father back, with his own blood of course. And after saying a few key words, along with some dark magic, an all too familiar form appeared in the mirror.

For far too long all that had been around him was darkness and despite all his achievements in life, he was nothing but another soul trapped on the other side. However he finally saw light and knew he was beginning another phase of his life.

Abraham step out of the mirror, finally back in the world of the living. A.J. looked up at his father, tears in his eyes. "I...I brought you back..." The spirit smiled at his son. "Yes, I'm rather impressed, but come here. What happened to you, child?" Slowly A.J. approached his dad. "I'm sorry I've been busy looking for you, sir." The necromancer stroked his sons face, showing a tenderness he rarely showed in life. "Just one thing, child." He whispered, looking down at his son. "What is that sir?" A.J. asked, looking for anyway to please Abraham. "Your forgot the protection seals." He said before grabbing his son by the throat and lifting him up. His son withered in his grasp, but Abraham stuck his ethereal fingers into his neck, forcing his soul into the body of his son. "F...father... please..." A.J. pleaded but the soul ignored him. Soon the body dropped and within it the two souls fought, but it was immediately clear who would win. After only a few second the body stood back up, combing a hand through its hair. Then the eyes opened and they were the ethereal blue, a sign that the soul of Abraham had taken over. "Time to renter the world once again."


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Yo dawg here - Page 2 Empty Re: Yo dawg here

Post by contracteryin Fri Jan 08, 2016 12:12 am

Whenever Faolin left Michael got nervous. He had always been that way about people he cared about and Faolin was certainly no exception. The fact that he was a trained assassin did nothing to make him worry less about the myriad of things that could go wrong.
It had only been a few hours but Michael was running out of things to do. The dishes were all done, the floors were exceptionally clean, the laundry was done, and there was no point in making food because Faolin insisted that they go out tonight instead.
Once the phone rang Michael picked it up.
"Did everything go okay?" Michael asked and took a seat on one of the couches, his legs crossed. "I know you said there was a chance the meeting would extend till tomorrow, so do you think that'll be the case? If so that's fine I just want to know what to expect."

As the two chatted, Michael was oblivious to the men who had snuck into their condo. They crept in silently, so much so in fact that a mouse would've been impressed.
A grin was plastered to Michael's face. Just as he was about to respond the phone was wrenched from his hand only to be crushed. At the same time another man covered Michael's mouth and nose with some sort of cloth. His struggling was in vain. Before he knew it he was tied up and unconscious. He was now at the mercy of the men who snuck inside.

Nutritious waved to Luke through the window as a last means of goodbye and thanks before bringing everyone back to Suru's place. The first thing to assault his ears was nothing other than Eve's high pitched desperate crying.
Why had he agreed to a third kid? Emmett and Eric had been bad enough as children and in their own way they were both a handful; especially Eric considering he won the lottery in terms of obtaining werewolf genes.
Nyyrikki pat Eric on the back. "I am sure you are not excited to see your sister crying her eyes out, so how about you go track down Emmett or Saaren? Emmett has his girlfriend over and if I remember correctly Saaren should have a friend over as well. Grandpa will come find you once I or one of your mom's takes Eve from him."
That was potentially easier said than done.

Saaren and Santtu were seated upside down in the living room. Their legs dangled over the top of the couch and their heads dipped just past the cushions.
"You suck at this game," Saaren lightly punched Santtu's arm. "If you ever want to become a professional fighting gamer you need to get good at either Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter. They're the basics of the basics."

Santorum groaned, his lip curling. "I'm going to give up that dream. It's totally impractical and let's face it, I don't have the time or dedication."
A grin quickly danced onto his face. "We should try again anyway. This time I'll use someone else and definitely win." Constantly switching was his downfall, but he did not care. It was fun anyway.

Emmett was busy with a much different game.
A few moments before he had removed Veera's shirt. One of her bra straps slipped past her shoulder. It was almost as if her breasts were asking to be freed.
He kissed her jaw line, only to continue to kiss and suck gently down her neck. She smelt absolutely amazing, like flowers and sunshine, and her skin was silky smooth.
Eve's crying had been tuned out by the both of them, just as Emmett did not notice the new smell of his returning family. Veera was the one and only thing on his mind right now.

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Post by thewerepimp Tue Jan 19, 2016 5:15 pm

Azuma ran down the brightly lit hallway, screams from his friends filling his ears. "Help us." They begged. "Please." They pleaded as the guardian ran down the nearly endless hallway, straining his already beaten body. He let out a massive roar, forcing aura to surround him, feeding on his quickly shrinking supply to just keep moving. All the while the calls for help were becoming more and more deafening. Finally Azuma reach the end of the hallway and in front of him was a massive amount of glowing white spikes sticking out of the ground, and in each of them one of the remaining guardians, many of them his friends. In the center of this all too bright room was a massive pillar, with the head of the Purifiers, essentially evil guardians, on top of it. "Ah, finally Azuma, you have finally came to watch your friends did." The leader said with a dark chuckle. Azuma looked around at the imprisoned people, watching as their life forces were being drained from their nearly lifeless corpses. "Ah, you are wondering how to save them aren't you?" Asked the bastard, watching the guardian look around with a deliciously terrified expression on his face. "Well let me simply say, you are far too late." The purifier prepared to snap his fingers, which would signal all the white aura in the room to explode. Azuma yelled as loudly as he could, doing the only thing he could and jumped at the leader. Time slowed as he dove to try and save his friends, with each of these friends turning up to him. In disturbing unison they spoke. "You failed us Azuma. It's your fault we died. Your fault, your fault. Why did you let us die? Your fault, your fault." The guardian grit his teeth as the man snapped his friends and everything went white.

In a cold sweat, Azuma jumped awake, panting. He had this same dream for the past fives years, ever since he failed them. Slowly he tried to rub his eyes, using his left hand. But he stopped short, feeling the throbbing phantom pain from his limp. The guardian has lost his hand back during the hurricane some many years ago. In a matter of seconds he used his aura to recreate a copy of his hand to use. He then wrapped his hand in some bandages to keep the aura from suddenly expanding. All the while the small cabin that he was in lost its color, turning the same green as his aura before fading away, revealing the cold winter hell scape that he was in. Azuma threw his jacket on before taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry I failed you guys. I'm sure you know that since everyday I apologize but still I will one day avenge you, I swear it." And after finishing his daily ritual, the last guardian headed off in the snow, hoping to find those damned purifiers.


Faolin smiled, hearing Michaels voice, which was something that always made him feel happy. "Turns out my job is over quicker than I expected. The council has decided to investigate the situation more and won't need my help so I should be back soon." The blind man waited to hear Michaels response but instead he heard the shapeshifter sudden struggling. "Michael!" Faolin yelled, hoping to get some sort of response, but of course he didn't. "Shit." He muttered, shoving his phone in his pocket and rushing to the nearest portal station, hoping one of those portals ended up in Finland.


Eric grimaced as he heard is younger sisters crying. "Yeah, I'll see eve when she has called down a bit." He smiled at his father. "Have fun with the crying though, dad." And with that he was off, running to see his brother that he missed, hoping to be able to talk with like he only could with Emmett. The hybrid ran by his uncle, even if he was closer to a cousin than anything, and his friend. "Hey guys, I'll play with you in a bit. I'll warn you I'm a bit rusty though, so when I kick your ass you guys will know how bad you really are!" Eric had a playful smile on his face, making sure they knew he was joking, before heading to emmett's room. Without thinking twice about it, the hybrid pushed open his brothers already partly opened door. "Hey Emmett. Sucks you could meet us at the Clan, I'm sure Luke would have been happy to see you. Anyway, I was hoping to talk if..." At first, thanks to Eric rambling, he didn't notice what they were doing but once he did, he gritted his teeth, his face turning into a snarl. "God damn it! You too!?" Eric quickly left the room, slamming the door. "Mother fuckers..." He muttered, not truly anger at his brother, it had just been the icing on the cake since this was the second person to put sex before Eric. Sure his brother hadn't stabbed him in the back by getting with the girl he knew that Eric had a crush on but he was still just pissed. The hybrid forced himself to take a deep breath, calming himself with the methods that Luke taught him before he headed back to the living room, trying to keep his face calm and failing at it.

Grace watched Eric run over, happy that her son was so excited to be home. Of course she also heard the baby crying and that put a slight damper on her mood. Lupa was more visibly affected by the baby crying, hearing something she wasn't used to. "Umm can one of you two care for the baby, I'll find a room for Lupa." The half elf said, smiling. "Nice excuse." The werewolf whispered. "Shut it." Grace replied back, just as quiet. "So yeah, we will be back in a minute." She told her lovers before taking Lupa to one of their many spare rooms. She picked one with a better view than most, figuring that her brothers girlfriend at least in some part enjoyed the sight of nature. "So when are you going to tell them?" Lupa said as they entered the room. "W...what do you mean?" Grace asked, surprised by the sudden questioning. "Don't play dumb Gracie, if it's obvious to me then they must have at least some inkling of what's going on." The werewolf said, a confident smirk on her lips.

Grace bit her lip before turning to face Lupa, eye to eye, well sort of. "And how do you know this, if you don't mind me asking?" The half elf questioned. "I can smell it." The werewolf replied. "Bull shit." Grace shot back. "It's impossible to 'smell' a pregnancy." Lupa sighed, rubbing her neck. "Fine, fine. I just happened to kind of hear you talking to Luke over the phone when you found out." "So you were ease dropping?" The storm Mage asked, narrowing her eyes and crossing her arms over her chest. "I have really good hearing." The female werewolf said. "But I'm not the one who should be under questioning, you are the who hasn't told your family that there is another branch growing on your family tree." "That's an interesting way to say that." Grace muttered. "And I am planning on telling them I just don't know when will be right the time. I mean last time we at least spread the kids age out better, this time they will be barely a year and a half apart. I'm just a bit worried on how they might react, especially given how nyyrikki seeks to already be tired with having kids." She sighed, now hugging herself with her arms. Lupa put a hand on her boyfriends sisters shoulder. "I'm sure it'll be fine. Besides, Nyyrikki is a big enough boy to deal with the fact that he picked two girls who want to have big families." She smiled at Grace, which in turned let the half elf smile, though hers was much more tired looking. "I hope you are right, Lupa."


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